
How to Apply?

We are excited to support you on your job search and skills development journey. Our application and enrolment steps are easy and listed below for you to follow.


Application Steps

  1. Register your interest. Complete our online Registration Form

  2. Eligibility check. We will be in contact to complete your eligibility check, to make sure you meet the entry criteria for the program. 

  3. Attend pre-enrolment interview. Eligible applicants will be invited for an interview to make sure our program is right for you, meet our team, answer questions, confirm your interest, and start an Enrolment application. You will need to bring ID with you (eg. licence, birth certificate, medicare card). 

  4. Submit enrolment application. Our team will review your application, and once approved, you will be offered a place. After you have accepted a place, we will invite you to complete and return final enrolment paperwork.

  5. Attend orientation and start program. Once all enrolment paperwork has been returned, you will receive an email confirming your compulsory Orientation.